Father’s Day

Every child’s SuperHero!

SRGPS celebrated Father’s Day for the very first time on a virtual platform. The children were excited to have their fathers with them for the session.

A special story on fathers, “Why do we celebrate Father’s Day?” was read out to the children. The fathers were delighted to see their children perform a special father’s day song and envelop them in their arms. A DIY cake with bread, chocolate and mixing ingredients was taught  to the children which they all garnished and relished together.

The event took off with beautiful reels created and posted by the fathers in order to encourage them to spend quality time with children. Best Reel prizes were awarded to the winners. The dynamic event concluded by fathers expressing their feelings for their family and acknowledging their importance in their life. The efforts of the school authorities for this unique idea was appreciated. It was a memorable event which the fathers and children will cherish for a lifetime.


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